
Metamorphosing is a very interesting transition of drawings. Imagine you draw a hot air balloon. Then add a string to the hot air balloon. Then add another string. Go on and on till soon it will become a jellyfish. Using metamorphosis is where you shine with your art skill because it is extremely hard to do. In art class, I drew a spray bottle, then added a tail to it, then added more details and finally it became a snake. I never imagined I would be able to make a spray bottle into a snake, because they don’t look alike at all. But turns out I was able to, as long as I went slow. Don’t rush, because if the change is too big, then it would be confusing. Don’t go too slow either because if you go too slow then the person who is looking at your art won’t be able to find the difference between the previous drawing and the current drawing, and you won’t have space to complete your art. Remember, however hard it is, don’t worry. The key part is that when you draw a drawing, trace it on another sheet of paper so you can use that to add your change. Once you add your change, then you’ll be able to trace the final part of your drawing onto your final paper. I hope you try metamorphosing, for it is very fun and entertaining!



2 thoughts on “Metamorphosis

  1. What a wonderful post! I am reminded of how certain life forms can change their anatomy during different developmental stages, just like your spray bottle changed into a snake. I’m glad that particular metamorphosis doesn’t happen in real life! 🙂

  2. What an awesome example of metamorphosis artwork that you found! Nice work pushing through the challenge! Your art reflected your hard work!

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